Karen S. Wilson Post-Survey

HIST204B Post-class Self-Assessment and Survey 

[Download the Word document here]

March 9, 2016


Note:  All information will be kept confidential and used only to evaluate the effectiveness and relevance of the course topics and process.  This survey is identical to the pre-class self-assessment and survey completed during the first class meeting.  You may request that the comparative results of the two questionnaires be emailed to you.


First Name, Last Initial:                                                                                              Gender:                      


Year entered PhD program:                            Field:                                                    Have you advanced to candidacy?             Yes      No


Primary post-PhD career goal:                                                                                 


Please rate your current skill level compared to other people in your field/discipline, including peers and faculty:

Lowest 10% Below Average Average Above Average Highest 10%
Conduct research
Ability to work as part of a group
Set reasonable expectations of myself
Manage my time efficiently
Intellectual self-confidence
Ability to discuss academic subjects with non-academic audiences


Please indicate your confidence level in your ability to handle the following tasks:

0 – 5 (not confident – highly confident)
Public speaking (non-academic events/audience)
Popular writing (non-academic media/forum)
Applied research (assigned topic not related to your research)
Collaborate on a team project
Explore career options suited to my abilities and values